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🗓 07/10/2021 👤 Ansgar Dietrichs

The solution to all puzzles

Our CEO Piran knows the answer to many things. But when it came to the puzzles he created himself for our shipping boxes, he needed some outside help. Here you can find the solutions.

The solution to all puzzles

A short story about guesswork

The fact that you are always your own biggest enemy sounds like a would-be inspirational quote on Aunt Trude's kitchen calendar. But our Piran has felt the full force of this truth over the last few years.
With his creative mind, but at the same time perseverance to bite on things until he understands them, we thought he would unite something unique.
So it was no wonder when he himself came up with the idea of a puzzle corner on our shipping box and then filled it with brain games of his own design. We were all thrilled and so were you. The first emails with the request for the solutions trickled in and Piran realized: He had misplaced them.
After nights of headaches and searching, he eventually only knew that the quiz was solvable. How, what and where, however, was a mystery to him.

Almost forward 5 years later

Actually, we thought Piran was a one-off. But it turned out: He was a simple math student and there were more of his kind. First and foremost his student friend Ansgar, with whom he likes to make the phone line glow when they talk about the world, politics and economics. And of course the KoRo puzzle.
With a lot of knowledge and maybe a bit of luck, Ansgar managed to solve Piran's brainteasers.
And because Ansgar is obviously a smart guy and doesn't trust Piran's bureaucracy, he immediately recorded the solutions digitally for you : https://hackmd.io/@adietrichs/koro

And what about your result? Did you come up with the same solutions as Ansgar?