Fancy a culinary trip to Rome? Try our twist for creamy Chicken Alfredo - purely plant-based, of course!
Step 1/6
First, prepare the vegan grinder fillet. Simply mix 175 ml cold water, 2 tbsp rapeseed oil and the contents of the bag. Place in the fridge and leave to soak for half an hour. Then form two fillets, coat them in paprika powder, garlic powder and oregano and fry them in 2 tbsp olive oil for 5-6 minutes until they have a nice golden color.
Step 2/6
Cook the fusilli in salted water until al dente.
Step 3/6
Meanwhile, finely dice an onion and fry it in a little rapeseed oil.
Step 4/6
Next, add the vegetable stock and vegan cream and allow the sauce to simmer.
Step 5/6
Cut the vegan grinder fillets into strips. Fold the pasta into the cream sauce and season with vegan parmesan and salt.
Step 6/6
Garnish your vegan chicken-style alfredo with fresh parsley and feast away!
What others say about Chicken-style Alfredo with corn and rice fusilli